A side-eye

Picon recently put a post up that was questioned by some as to what the point was. We did it to see what type of response we received, it was a political exercise, the politics of Washoe County that is. Washoe County is funded by taxpayer dollars, so each time a county employee gets a raise, taxpayers are the ones paying, it is coming out of your pocket. It would seem County Manger Eric Brown thinks the amounts to be paid to his employees is limitless, and more so to his direct reports on the rarefied floor “Office of the County Manager.” Remember, Brown made sure his direct reports were given a raise long before, six months as a matter of fact, the rank-and-file employees at the county. Was this due to performance or something else?

Picon has found that the managers’ direct reports are often rather thin-skinned and defensive of their errors or any critique. Come on folks we all make mistakes, and posting this photo was just that, a mistake. Before Picon posted this photo we asked a dozen people what they thought and four out of the dozen asked, ‘Why the side eye?” Hence our post. We are sure there were dozens of photos taken that day at this particular FEMA exercise so why not put another photo up that avoided the ‘side eye’ look. It is because the county didn’t catch it.  Picon decided to have a bit of fun and post.

Now we’re not going to name the county employee who took us to task, but we've sniped the post for this article, because we know County Manager Brown is itching to use his $150,000 legal assistance fund for county employees. This is a county slush fund where Brown can use taxpayer dollars to defend his employees from mean tweets. Assistance would be available to employees who are: unfairly publicly attacked, harassed, or disparaged by members of the public or political organizations.” Picon wonders if when county employees make statements pursuant their official duties, is the employee not speaking as a private citizen regarding a public concern and, therefore, such speech is not protected speech for First Amendment purposes? Our lawyers are researching this topic, turnabout seems fair play. Maybe this public facing employee can comment as to the county policy.

Could this fund be why so few media organizations are reporting on what is going on in the county. Maybe it chilled scrutiny or the spoon feeding of eager journalists worked. Oh sure, you’re going to say, "I’ve read articles," but they are sugar coated, regurgitated pieces based on the information provided to them. As an example, just read the Reno Gazette Journal articles about Washoe County, no more deep dive investigations, the RGJ simply reports on the information the county provides. Case in point, ‘fact checker’ reporting is repeating the information the county has emailed, we have the public records showing the communications between the PIO's and reporter.

When the county is faced with reporting they think might be ‘exposing’ them to the truth they find ways to shut it down. An example would be a recent article from Our Town Reno. If a media organization reaches out to county staff about a reported death, why can’t the staff immediately reply. Sort of like when a million-dollar jackpot is won at 2 am in a casino, the public relations team goes to work to get the word out. You would think the PIO’s at Washoe County would do the same thing when it comes to the death of a citizen of Washoe County. Instead, the team at the county waited until Monday, business hours, to get back to their media request. Our Town Reno took the story down which was sad because the story said so much more, however it led to the story of Teresa Bacon as covered by Nevada Liberty, Our Town Reno, KTVN – way too many media outlets for Washoe County to shut down. We hear the Los Angeles Times has been looking at the practices at the Nevada Cares Campus based on Washoe County tossing ‘guests’ out in the dark of night, when they dare to come forward with an experience at the Cares Campus. The videos being posted by Nevada Liberty are giving residents a rare glimpse of daily life inside the no-barrier shelter Washoe County runs, and it is a far different picture than the one Washoe County reports at Board of County Commission meetings. We urge Washoe County to release the footage of Teresa Bacon being evicted from the Cares Campus and of a VOA employee Ms. Bacon states they threatened her. Show us if this is untrue, the security tape will clear up all questions. 

Side-eye= a sidelong glance expressing disapproval or contempt. With the attempt by Washoe County to silence the media, residents of Washoe County should be giving them a long glance of side-eye.

Nice try Washoe County, but you will not silence us and let the investigations begin.  


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