Missing in Action: Where Are Reno's Ward 5 & 6 Neighborhood Meetings?

Ward 6 Councilmember Brandi Anderson’s application for a business license.

Are Ward 5 and 6 residents getting the silent treatment from Reno City Council? While Wards 1, 2, and 3 have been actively discussing hot-button Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs), meetings for Wards 5 and 6 are mysteriously missing. (We'll take the city's word that Ward 4 actually met at the far-flung Stead Airport—who's driving all the way out there to verify?)

Today, the City of Reno agenda includes appointing residents to the Ward 5 and 6 Neighborhood Advisory Boards. But is this just for show? A quick check of Reno's April calendar reveals no scheduled meetings for either ward—this month or next.

Ward 5 and Ward 6 Appointments to Neighborhood Advisory Board Meetings are finally on today’s city council agenda. Remember Brandi Anderson and Devon Reese were sworn in back in November 2024 - so where have their NAB’s been?

Our readers are buzzing with theories. Many Ward 5 residents suspect Councilmember Devon Reese is dodging confrontation about his controversial dais comments. Is he strategically postponing meetings to avoid facing constituents? You know those pesky ethic violations. When that meeting finally happens, we'll definitely be there.

As for newly-minted Councilmember Brandi Anderson in Ward 6, could she be avoiding awkward questions about operating without a City of Reno business license for seven years? Our sources report she's quietly submitted an application after being called out by a senior constituent who has been reaching out to every press outlet. Happy to help you out we need more involved seniors in local government.

Even more suspicious: when these phantom meetings eventually materialize, they're scheduled at City Hall rather than in their respective neighborhoods. Is the goal maximum inconvenience—peak traffic hours, impossible parking, and navigating panhandlers downtown—to minimize attendance?

Why would Ward 5 and Ward 6 NAB meetings be at Reno City Hall?

The people of Wards 5 and 6 deserve better than this disappearing act.

Someone might want to clue in the Downtown Reno Partnership that there are six wards, and have been for months.


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