Just the Facts, Please

There is an old saying that every man/woman has a right to his/her opinion, but no man/woman has a right to be wrong in their facts.

We enjoyed this video that Nevada Liberty sent to Commissioner Mike Clark who shared it with us. Commissioner Clark asked if we could write about Ms. Hilton-Thomas’ statement, because he is concerned the wrong information is again being stated.

Washoe County District 4 Commissioner candidate Tracey Hilton-Thomas spoke at a Calvary Chapel event. Ms. Hilton-Thomas made her comments at a church organized event on January 31, 2024, according to the YouTube video.

Ms. Hilton-Thomas indicates if she is elected to the Washoe County Commission, she is going to get an appropriate Library Director who will stop having ‘inappropriate’ books being curated on the shelves at the Washoe County Library, according to Ms. Hilton-Thomas’ opinion of appropriate or inappropriate books.

We bet Assistant District Attorney Nathan Edwards is wondering why residents in Washoe County listen to what he says on the dais. At a 2023 Washoe County Board of County Commissioner meeting, Mr. Edwards answered a question posed by Commission Jeanne Herman, and that Washoe County Commissioners do not appoint the library director.  They do, however, oversee the library budget and are responsible for appointing the Library Trustees. Hence, why the process of appointing trustees is so heated, and has become a partisan point of contention. 

We don’t know if Ms. Hilton-Thomas is trying to stir up a dust-storm with this comment to a room filled with people who are wanting to get parishioners appointed to library trustee positions, or just trying to gain votes. Either way, Commissioner Clark has commented he will be addressing this at an upcoming commission meeting. Clark said, “The facts are the facts and we do not (commissioners) hire the library director.”

Picon applauds any individual who has the guts, stamina, and courage to run for political office in 2024 but come on get your facts straight. We did a blast from the past dive on Google and found the link talking about hiring a library director when John Slaughter was still the Washoe County Manager and then the announcement when Mr. Scott got the job. Both clearly define that the Library Trustees are the ones who appoint the director.

Ms. Hilton-Thomas reminds Picon of Appointed Commissioner Clara Andriola who are both pandering to faith-based organizations for votes. Hilton-Thomas making statements that these folks want to hear and Andriola bringing invocations to the commission, trolling for votes.


Corrosion, it is all around us…


The email from left field