Corrosion, it is all around us…
Following an article by This is Reno, Picon Press is publishing public records. Although we dabble in areas that lack public records, these documents have served as the cornerstone of our success. They are simply, what they are and the government’s own words are hard to argue.
In this case, we revisit the Washoe County CARES campus and their intent to arrest a retired Sheriff’s executive turned Private Investigator. After pushback and questions from the media, the county has rethought its position. With some creative writing from their District Attorney friends, they have all but reversed course. Their professional propagandist told This is Reno, that “the trespass order has been reversed.” Despite providing no evidence to the contrary, the mouthpiece said that Mr. Green was on county property.
We would like Ms. Drysdale to wander on down to the assessor and see if the title to the land she claims is Washoe County’s has been recorded. The Chain of Title is critical to legal ownership of a property. After she is done there, head on over to GIS mapping and verify if the guard shack is on county land or if it’s on someone else’s land. Quite simply, Washoe County and its contracted security have no authority to trespass anyone from property they have no jurisdiction over.
Our research regarding the ownership of Line Drive became more interesting when we saw the maps generated by the City of Reno when the city decided to abandon a portion of Line Drive, or relinquish ownership in, on January 24, 2024. Those maps make clear that the abandonment of Line Drive is halfsies. One half of Line Drive is now owned by the Sliter Family Trust and the other by Washoe County. Guess where the sidewalk half lands? Yep, on the side belonging to the Sliter Family. Unless Allied Universal has a contract with Sliter Family, they have no right to stop any free movement on their sidewalk. In fact, the Sliter’s had to pay for land they may not be able to access, if Allied Universal had their way.
This whole trespassing issue appeared moot prior to the county’s declaration, as a video provided by Green showed what appeared to be the security supervisor, in a white shirt, agreeing that Green was not trespassed. According to Green, the county has yet to define what they think their property boundaries are. Even given that, it is unheard of to block access on a public sidewalk absent a gate and signage, of which neither exists on the sidewalk of Line Drive. Ms. Drysdale claimed to Picon that the presence of a fence equals a notice of trespassing. News flash! What gate? There is also no signage, and that does not appear to be sufficient notice, s required by law.
Regarding Allied Universal, we have always been cognizant of the privacy rights of citizens. Absent some public record to the contrary, we would normally not publish names or likenesses of citizens who are not public officials. In this case, it is important to expose the hypocrisy that seems to be dripping from this entire event. The security guard told the Sheriff that Mr. Green was filming on campus and that it was against policy. That is noted in the police report. When we checked Facebook for a profile of the security guard named in the report, his profile photo is of someone in an Allied Universal uniform, standing in front of a gate that appears to be the CARES campus. So selfies for your Facebook profile are cool, but a citizen documenting harassment and threats in a public place is a violation of policy?
Despite our ask, Allied Universal has not provided comment.
The irony of a security guard telling the police photographs and recordings are against policy when his own profile image appears to be him at the CARES campus.
cfs_240260994 (1) Copy by Picon Press Media LLC on Scribd
Police report from Washoe County provided to Tom Green via public records
Mr. Green told Picon Press that he has still yet to be contacted by the Sheriff’s Department. “Despite their decision to author a poorly written police report absent my side of the story, or without consideration of evidence in my possession, they have now doubled-down on second-hand information,” Green said, referring to his claim that two deputies met with Washoe County’s security manager to obtain a statement about a meeting he had with Green last Friday. “I would really like to understand what the county is so afraid of, that not one of them will ask me for a statement or the videos showing what happened,” he said.
Aside from the grammar, structure and spelling, the report seems to lack details that would seem important. These details seem to fly in the face of what we reported on earlier with the leaked “passdown”, which said Green was escorted off the property and that he was subject to arrest. This report simply fails to establish that.
Lastly, Picon would observe that the coercion seems to have happened on the sidewalk, while the corrosion appears to be a systemic problem in Washoe County.
Map from City of Reno 01/24/2024, shows the side of Line Drive adjacent to the sidewalk as Sliter Family Trust
Copyright Google Imagery, this image was taken June 2023. Based on the assessor maps, the security shacks appear to be encroached onto the City of Reno property. The Sliter Trust or the City of Reno would need to have objected and neither did.
Washoe County imagery from the Assessor. The four parcels on the left side of the image are owned by the Sliter Family Trust, this includes the access and maintenance of the sidewalk that runs adjacent to their property and all the way back to the welcoming center.
Courtesy of the Washoe County Sheriff, via a public records by Tom Green