Howell’s It Going Washoe County?

We’ve been trying to track the disappearance of the former Director of Washoe County Human Services Agency Amber Howell who went missing in April 2023. We kept checking milk cartons. When anyone inquired about Howell, Washoe County hid behind human resources as they always do, unable to release any information.  

We wonder why the Director of Human Resources at Washoe County allows County Manger Eric Brown to use her office. County employees who asked not to be identified told us the county hired an outside investigator to “look into” Howell, how did they know, they were interviewed or people they knew were interviewed. We were told the process was ugly and seemed personal on the part of a couple of upper management Washoe County employees, one being a direct report to Manager Brown. The county wanted to make sure it appeared they were only acting on behalf of the employees, and naturally, the county had done nothing wrong – the individual who did the investigation we have been told was Sandra Ketner from Simons Hall Johnston PC, the county’s “go to” outside investigator. Ketner just finished a short investigation into Grant Denton the Executive Director of Karma Box Project, in June 2024, and naturally all is well, nothing to report.  

Reading the Complaint and Jury Demand, filed by Kendra J. Jepsen and Silvia U. Villanueva, it seems Ms. Howell filed a “charge of discrimination and retaliation” with the Nevada Equal Rights Commission (NERC) and with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) on October 5, 2023, after she resigned in July 2023.

On June 5, 2024, Howell and her counsel received a Right-to-Sue letter for the Los Angeles District Office of the EEOC.

The Complaint and Jury Demand is a sad testimony on what is occurring under County Manager Eric Brown’s leadership. Howell was all but forced to resign from Washoe County  because Brown made it clear via written communication that he would present to the Board of County Commissioners that Howell should be terminated due to the findings of the investigation/report. Washoe County played their hand knowing Howell would realize the investigation report, substance use evaluation, and responses concerning mental health diagnoses would all become a public record once Manager Brown presented it to the Board of County Commissioners. What choice did the county leave Howell, not much, and we question how many times this has been done to “missing” and “departed” county employees, that are employed one day and retired or resigned the next. Were these employees too frightened to come forward, or perhaps they could not afford legal counsel, or just didn’t know what to do.

Picon has our fingers crossed for a jury trial, since the last time we got to see County Manager Eric Brown on the stand was on June 30, 2021, when he was testifying against then Assessor Mike Clark, now commissioner.

Our guess, Washoe County will settle this one quietly with Howell. After all it is an election year and how does this look for Commission Chair Alexis Hill. Former Commissioner Marsha Berkbigler, Hill’s opponent in the District 1 race was a staunch supporter of Howell’s back in the day. Berkbigler’s daughter reported to Howell when she was employed by Washoe County Human Services Agency.

Where did we find the photo, on Nevada Women’s Fund Facebook page when Howell was honored by Washoe County at the 2019, Nevada Women’s Fund Salute to Women of Achievement. “Amber is first to respond to crisis, from flooding to school shootings, child abuse, homelessness, and seniors' challenges. Expansion of crossroads, foster care reduction, Family Engagement Center and MOST under her leadership is positively impacting lives. She is now embarking on a homeless initiative to redesign services to those in need. She is an outstanding leader. Reportedly, her most important role in life is wife and mother of three boys. She believes strongly in balancing parenthood with a busy career.”

But those comments and that event was in May 2019, only a few months before Eric Brown was appointed County Manager.

Howell by documents on Scribd


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