Nepotism: A Lesson by Bob Lucey, Part II

The race between Bob Lucey and Mike Clark has been filled with allegations from both sides, leading to multiple court hearings, a lawsuit, and more. On June 7th, Mark Robison of the RGJ published an article analyzing some of the claims from each side one-by-one.

Click here to read Robison’s story on the RGJ website.

One point that Robison analyzed is a point we reported on previously, publishing seven total public documents obtained via a FOIA request, about Megan Lucey getting a contract with Washoe County as the only applicant to that specific grant program. You can click here to read that story.

In Robison’s analysis he made the argument that Lucey recused himself from hearings and largely stayed out of the hiring process on the advice of the Washoe County District Attorney’s Office. While we agree with Robison’s overall analysis, there is a point we wanted to bring attention to that we found suspicious.

Megan Lucey emailed her resume to her husband Bob using her maiden name: Bukacek. There are lots of inconsistencies Robison explained away, but the documents and emails speak for themselves. The job was posted for one day, which, while it meets the state’s legal requirements is this really the best way to get the best person for the job? NSHE sometimes has candidates in mind for positions at all levels, but even then they interview at least three candidates. This was true when they hired Head Coach Amanda Levens to lead women’s basketball at the University of Nevada, Reno. This was true when hiring President Brian Sandoval. This is even a common practice in the Washoe County School District.

Why did the County accept that only one candidate applied with an application window of two weeks, with the position only be advertised for one day? What if Megan hadn’t applied and someone wholly unqualified applied?

Click here to read WashoeRAP’s article on Bob Lucey’s campaign donations.


LANE VIOLATION: Mariluz Garcia can’t seem to pick a side! Part II


Questionable Pledges from a Questionable Cop.