County Manager Eric Brown Homeless vs Seniors

Marie Baxter, Chief Executive Officer of Catholic Charities of Northern Nevada was on KOLOTV with Rebecca Kitchen, Wednesday, July 31, 2024, talking about their need for volunteers to serve food at the Nevada Cares Campus to the homeless.

Marie Baxter - “So exciting. We have been providing meals in our community through the St Vincent’s Dining room in our community for over 60 years. We’ve always done lunch in our dining room and then we’ve been providing all the meals to the Nevada Cares Campus, literally trucking them down the street, in little to go containers. Well, the Nevada Cares Campus is getting ready to open their new dining room, so we’ll actually be able to have our amazing volunteers serving right there not only at our campus but also on the Cares Campus lunch and dinner. A great opportunity to really engage and support people who are really struggling.”

Rebecca Kitchen - “And that is going to make the meals a just little bit nicer too. They will be warmer, they will be fresher, they are not going to be trucked down in a to-go container.”

Catholic Charities of Northern Nevada serves 1800 meals per day.

Baxter commented there is, “Dignity and a respect that comes when you are engaging in a meal together.” And that while, “Picking up a to-go container from a table, which nourishes your body, but this nourishes your heart and soul and makes you think you are part of something.”

Our homeless population now will not have to eat from those sterile to-go containers, instead they will be served a delicious hot meal at the Nevada Cares Campus paid for, cooked by, and served by Catholic Charities. How great for Washoe County Government that meals for our homeless will be a little bit nicer starting on Monday, August 5, 2024 when the ribbon cutting happens at the Nevada Cares Campus.

Wait, WHAT ABOUT OUR SENIORS? You know the people who toiled all their lives and have retired and perhaps have fallen on hard times, have a had time keeping up with inflation, the price of food, their rents are increasing, all affecting their income, so they need to get a meal to stretch their budget from Washoe County. Does Eric Brown and Washoe County Human Services Agency give two-cents about them, do they worry if they are being forced to eat their meal out of a to go container (they are), do they worry that meal is trucked to them (they are), are they worried if there is “dignity and respect” when it comes to sharing this meal (doesn’t seem like it).

Are Washoe County concerned about seniors meals being freshers and warmer. No. We don’t think Washoe County cares at all. Just take a look at the photo of a senior meal at the lead of this story.

While we celebrate what Catholic Charities of Northern Nevada is doing for the area’s homeless, we question, why Catholic Charities is not demanding Washoe County does better for our senior citizens. Catholic Charities donates these meals to the homeless, and they used to provide senior meals for Washoe County. What would Washoe County do if Catholic Charities were to say they will suspend feeding the homeless until County Manager Brown does better for our seniors.

Shouldn’t we all band together to do more for our local seniors?

Why are senior citizens being subjected to harassment by the very people who are handing them a “to go” container as is alleged at the Sun Valley Neighborhood Center. We call upon Washoe County to provide the video of this incident.

Picon received this email from a reader.  We had learned of several incidents at the Sun Valley Neighborhood Center, and were going to ask for public records, but know those records will be delayed five-to-six months due to Washoe County’s excuse that the District Attorney’s Office needs to review all public records before they can be fulfilled. Washoe County has found this review is the way to shut down public records release. Very clever Manager Brown well played.

As Marie Baxter said they want to, “engage and support people who are really struggling” and we can only assume County Manager Eric Brown doesn’t appear to think seniors are struggling.


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