Alexis Hill’s CHAB Strategy: Can't Complain If You Can't Meet
Alexis Hill 2024 campaign photograph. Hill does not support the homeless taking away their voice, by avoiding CHAB meetings, how then does she support our “whole community.”
Washoe County has effectively silenced homeless residents at the Nevada CARES Campus by minimizing Community Homelessness Advisory Board (CHAB) meetings since September 2023. This started after Teresa Bacon, a resident, publicly criticized the County and Commissioner Alexis Hill about conditions at the campus. Rather than address Bacon's concerns, the County launched a counter-campaign against her.
In 2024, CHAB held only one meeting (May 13). A September 9 meeting was cancelled when Hill opted to tour the Davis Fire with VP candidate Governor Tim Walz. Commissioner Mike Clark has repeatedly requested rescheduling, including at the final 2024 county meeting on December 17. Hill communicated with Clark only through staff about this matter.
Clark has now shared this situation with media outlets to generate pressure for scheduling a CHAB meeting and addressing CARES Campus concerns.
The core issue: Washoe County appears to be avoiding CHAB meetings to prevent homeless residents from publicly voicing their concerns about campus conditions.
Response Commissioner Mike Clark received from Washoe County regarding his request of Commissioner Alexis Hill to schedule a CHAB meeting on Wednesday, December 18, 2024.