We Object

As we approach the 2024 election, Picon ponders on who our ethically ambiguous politicians and politician hopefuls keep in their inner circles. Picon hears rumors that Republicans are putting their thoughts and prayers in former candidate Eddie Lorton to find a winner -any winner- anywhere … but what the rumor that has peaked Picon’s interest most is the Democrats full faith in former Chicago attorney, Ed Miller.

Ed Miller, suspended in 2004 from the practice of law in Chicago, Illinois is a democratic party advisor who has taken it upon himself to build people like Chip Evans up and run and re-run for office. What is funny is that Ed, or “Reno Critic” on Facebook, is never the first one to put his name out there. Instead, Picon has heard rumors of ire from candidates across Washoe County who get the call from Ed to “train” them on how to win. But the moment any potential candidate steps out of line, or is not a devotee of Devon Reese (who obviously, doesn’t remember that he is running for City Council, not Mayor) you are dead to Ed and the Dems. So don’t step out of line.

Now, though Picon comes off as siding with a team, we try to remain neutral in our approach to politics through public records alone. But, given Ed’s disciplinary record, we wonder if this is where Devon Reese is getting his legal advice from and why Reese doesn’t think his Nevada Ethics Commission corrective action plan is discipline. We also wonder whether Chip Evans, or his biographer, Jim Rossi – Cleantech Con Artists, knows about Ed’s past, as Chip is rumored to be mulling over launching another run again with Ed by his side. Our only question is will Ed be able to tear himself away from Devon long enough to run Chip’s race.


Reno City Council Goes Hog Wild


Mutual Combat in Washoe County: Chris Hicks vs Scott Pierson