Washoe County, “Take Our Word For It, You Didn’t Vote!!!

Picon has been following voters’ concerns about their ballots being counted or in some cases not counted because they didn’t vote, or did they. The ROV seems to now be blaming the post office in some cases, just ask Lily Baran candidate in the City of Reno Ward 1.

As reported by This Is Reno, Ward 1 candidate Lily Baran has paid $50,000 to the City of Reno for the recount. Officially Robert Beadles paid the cost for Baran, which now KRNV’s Ben Margiott is questioning if that is acceptable. Was Ben asking this same question when a PAC paid to recount lawyer Joey Gilbert’s race in 2022.

Picon would like to remind Mr. Margiott that his pal Commissioner Alexis Hill jumped in during the June 21, 2024, Commission Declaration of Canvass of the Vote Meeting, blocking Commissioner Mike Clark’s conversation with Chief Deputy District Attorney Mary Kandaras, about Baran’s race. Clark was going for a spot audit of some sort. Hill chimed in, “Doesn’t the candidate need to ask for that. State law that is a provision that is outlined she can ask for a recount and pay for that.” Perhaps Commissioner Hill should rip the silver spoon out of her mouth and realize not everyone has $50,000 sitting around, nor can they run to their mommy and daddy for the money.

Ms. Baran learned from the City of Reno that the cost of the recount would be $50,000 and she had a whole whopping three hours to find the money or her time to appeal would run out. When did the cost of a recount get so high? How many people could afford a recount, and how cavalier of Commission Hill to not realize this.

When we went to Commissioner Clark for a comment, he shared an email with us. Clark said he would have forwarded it to the press, but he wanted to protect the individual’s privacy and asked us to do so if we decided to publish. We have redacted the last name, email, and address from the communication, and while we were working on this story, we received another email we think needs to be made public as a follow up to ROV Burgess assurance to the voter.

These residents didn’t vote but according to the Nevada Secretary of State they did vote, but according to Washoe County Interim Registrar of Voters Cari-Ann Burgess it is an antiquated county system not working with the Secretary of States non-antiquated system, and even though the SOS shows they voted, they really didn’t. Say what?

What in the holy heck is a Washoe County Voter suppose to believe. Is “Julie” supposed to just take Cari-Ann’s word for it? Where is the back-up documentation? Are voters just supposed to believe the ROV?

This Is Reno reported new equipment has arrived at the ROV’s office, and we had one of our staff capture photos of the equipment being unloaded earlier this week. “The registrar’s office will also have new ballot sorting machine operational by next week to replace an older one. The new machine will speed ballot sorting from 30,000 to 45,000 ballots per hour.

Shouldn’t Washoe County have gotten a system that would talk to the SOS, you know, not an antiquated system, about who has voted and who has not, before a machine that sorts ballots?

No matter how much propaganda Washoe County spews out they have to know more and more residents are questioning the ROV’s ability to answer voters’ questions and to provide documentation, not just Cari-Ann’s assurance all is well.

What’s next is Cari-Ann going to tell us there is a Santa?


Another Candidate Questions Washoe County Registrar of Voters

