The Curious Case of the 1st VP of Republican Women of Reno: Washoe County's Latest Mystery

A peculiar drama unfolded at the November 15th Canvass of the Vote, leading to the abrupt resignation of Joni Hammond, then-1st VP of Republican Women of Reno and frequent election volunteer, and commentor at commission meetings. But try getting details from Washoe County, and suddenly it's slower than molasses in January. Why?

Picon will receive records or an update on or before May 26, 2025. Why the cover-up Washoe County? 

Public records request? Check back in May 2025. That's not a typo, folks. Whatever happened is apparently so sensitive it needs a six-month incubation period. Because nothing says "transparent government" quite like "see you next spring."

Picon’s original request for records regarding Joni Hammond. 

The plot thickens: Commissioner Mike Clark's inquiry to County Security Administrator Ben West yielded mentions of an "incident" and charges. How illuminating.

After much digging, a whisper emerged: something about a cell phone's mysterious journey from the Commission Chambers to an outdoor garbage can. But don't expect to see any security footage – that's probably scheduled for release sometime after the next lunar eclipse.

Republican Women of Reno is missing their 1st Vice-President. 

Let's connect the dots: An election volunteer. An "incident." A disappeared phone. And a county government and sheriff’s department suddenly moving at glacial speed. For an administration that claims to champion transparency, they're certainly mastering the art of the slow fade.

Here's a novel idea: How about treating the public like adults and sharing what actually happened? Or is that too much to ask from our guardians of public trust?

Stay tuned for the thrilling conclusion – sometime in 2025. Maybe.


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