The Nevada Independent has announced they will be selling advertising on their website. Such a great idea. We thought why not? Contact PIcon at if you’re interested in drinking deep.
Picon Press Media LLC
Many folks don't trust the media. That's not news. At Picon Press Media LLC, we hope to regain that trust through nonpartisan coverage that is grounded in public records and guided by transparency, not innuendo or online grandstanding. We'll follow the facts - for you.
Watching the Watchers: County Claims "Oversight" After Federal Raid
In a remarkable display of selective memory, a Washoe County Assistant County Manager is now assuring commissioners they're "staying on top" of the Tertiary Counsel Group program. This sudden vigilance comes due to Commissioner Mariluz Garcia's pointed questions at the March 11th meeting.
What the reassuring email conveniently omits? This is the same administrator who was supposedly "overseeing" the Alternative Sentencing/Justin Roper/Sober 24 program—you know, the one where US Marshals showed up with warrants and seized records. Apparently, federal raids fall outside Washoe County’s definition of effective oversight.
County Manager's Attempt at a Cover-Up Exposed
Please read to the bottom of this article and look at the complaint filed by criminal attorney Theresa Ristenpart. You’ll want to note the troubling information about Sober 24 and their testing methods “Including Forcing Pretrial Client to Strip Search Before Testing” - say what? Was County Manager Eric Brown and his staff aware this was taking place at Sober 24?
Has County Manager Eric Brown suddenly morphed into a legal expert, "warning" commissioners to keep quiet about the Justin Roper investigation. His excuse? Speaking might "risk of possibly interfering" with the law enforcement investigation or is it an "HR matter." Keep up Eric, choose one.
Her Dishonor *
In these wildly partisan times, when Americans across the political spectrum question institutions, it’s more important than ever that the judiciary — the foundation of law and order in the U.S.—should be (and should be seen to be) above politics.
The Supreme Court, alas, has allowed itself to be caught up in the politics of the day, but the Supreme Court decides great legal questions. Where most Americans — most Northern Nevadans — find themselves interacting with the judicial system is in state and local courts. These courts decide the disputes that affect real people in their real lives.
Justice is blind… to Campaign Contributions.
Justice in our community and our country is intimately tied to judges, members of our community who are supposed to remain impartial at all levels. The impartiality of our entire justice system has been in question since the Supreme Court started…