The Nevada Independent has announced they will be selling advertising on their website. Such a great idea. We thought why not? Contact PIcon at if you’re interested in drinking deep.
Picon Press Media LLC
Many folks don't trust the media. That's not news. At Picon Press Media LLC, we hope to regain that trust through nonpartisan coverage that is grounded in public records and guided by transparency, not innuendo or online grandstanding. We'll follow the facts - for you.
Mayor Lawson’s Public Records Power Grab, AB 51.
Sparks Mayor Ed Lawson is apparently channeling his social media rantings into actual legislation. AB51, the "We'd Rather You Didn't Look Too Closely" bill, aims to make public records about as accessible as Fort Knox – but with more paperwork.
The irony is rich: The League of Cities, whose mission statement reads like a love letter to transparency and innovation, is backing a bill that treats public records requests like classified CIA operations. What's next – secret handshakes and decoder rings?
City of Reno: Making Landlords' Responsibilities Disappear
Our Town Reno just pulled back the curtain on the City's ReStore program, and what do we find? A spectacular show of making property owners' basic responsibilities vanish into thin air - using YOUR tax dollars as the magic wand.
First let us say, this is no reflection on Crak N’ Grill, we’re on the side of small business owners, and if the program and the money is available, go for it. What we question is the thought process of our overly-paid City of Reno elected officials.
The Neighborhood Knocking Nightmare, “Meet Me in the Middle, Kathleen Taylor”
The joys of campaigning door-to-door as an appointed incumbent - that special blend of quizzical looks and backhanded compliments that makes grassroots politics so wildly entertaining.
More Political Theatre at the City of Reno
Mary Kay Ash said, “Sandwich every bit of criticism between two layers of praise.”
The City of Reno City Council needs to take that quote to heart. Picon finds it odd the City of Reno Council Members enjoy praising staff, as Mayor Hillary Schieve says, “staff is amazing” but seem to be at odds with one another. Dysfunctional in their approach to working within the body.