Stretching the Truth

Ah, we’ve all encountered a self-proclaimed expert. We often enjoy a politician/candidate who decides to crown themselves an expert. Picon would urge against taking the crown because it might slip.

Why would a candidate proclaim to be an expert when public records prove the opposite.

We’ve got no answer.

Picon has had a number of people inquire regarding Tracey Hilton-Thomas’ time and expertise in the Registrar of Voters office. Hilton-Thomas feigns that she spent twenty years in the ROV’s office. We requested public records. They tell a different story than Mrs. Hilton-Thomas recounts. Mrs. Hilton-Thomas has a number of inconsistencies, exaggerations, and downright fabrications as to her involvement with the Washoe County Registrar of Voters Department. If Mrs. Hilton-Thomas is a subject matter expert it would seem she is self-taught.

Mrs. Hilton-Thomas started her career at Washoe County on November 17, 1997, as a Public Service Intern. She was officially ‘hired’ as a full-time employee in the Management Information Systems Department on May 24, 1999. It would seem all of Hilton-Thomas’ time as a full-time employee with Washoe County was in the MIS/IT/Tech Services/Technology Services Departments. We can find no full-time employment in the Registrar of Voters Department up to her retirement from Washoe Count on July 31, 2015.

It would seem after her retirement Hilton-Thomas was an ‘Intermittent Hourly’ Election Worker in the Registrar of Voters office for seven-months in 2018 and a few weeks in 2020. Does being an intermittent hourly election worker make her an expert?

Before you attack us, we also understand that Hilton-Thomas volunteered time during elections while employed at Washoe County. Again, while the county and citizens of Washoe County appreciated her time, volunteer hours does not make one an expert.

Picon could find any online school where Hilton-Thomas could take courses on how to be a Registrar of Voters. We have no idea where Mrs. Hilton-Thomas could have gotten her training, or what certificates and degrees she holds.

Mrs. Hilton-Thomas is informing residents of how she will ‘fix’ the Registrar of Voters office when elected. Commissioner Mike Clark commented to us, “Tracey might want to remember she will need the vote of three commissioners to make changes in the ROV’s office. I had the wool pulled over my eyes after being told she was a Washoe County employee in the ROV’s office. Shame on me for not checking it out, but lesson learned, I now question everything.” Clark went on to tell us that he had to ask Hilton-Thomas to take down a photograph of him on her campaign website, she had taken at the Sparks Senior Citizens Center during a luncheon event. “She didn’t ask if she could use the photo. She has taken it down.”


Read ‘Em and Weep


Inexperience on the serpent's tongue