So Many Questions

Picon has cobbled this article together on the fly due to the email we were forwarded by Commissioner Mike Clark.

If you read the comments from Kimberly Koschmann, she had heard of a “higher-up” with Washoe County named Dana who is telling people at staff meetings that the rumors about the Executive Director of Karma Box Project are false. We’re not sure what Dana this is but in reading Our Town Reno’s article from June 9, 2024, there certainly is a Dana who the Executive Director of Karma Box Project might actually report to. This same Dana was at the May 28, 2024, Board of County Commissioner meeting where she was spotted talking to the Karma Box Project Executive Director and his attorney.

In reading through the Our Town Reno article, we also noted that Karl Hall is on their board. Is this the same Karl Hall that is the Reno City Attorney?

Sorry, Our Town Reno to have borrowed your graphics, but we’re thinking that DA Mary Kandaras could just call Reno City Attorney Hall and maybe sort some of this out.  You know lawyer to lawyer, we’re fairly certain they know one another.

All individuals are considered innocent and have rights to be heard and defend themselves, but again, Washoe County is hiding behind the limited scope of their investigation.  Is this actually hurting the Executive Director in the court of public opinion and not helping him and is that fair to him, the residents of Washoe County, or a nonprofit that has gained much media attention. Will there always be a cloud of doubt due to this limited investigation?

Picon asked Google, “Who holds nonprofit organizations accountable?

Google told us: “Public officials in government are directly accountable to their constituents and must be elected and reelected by those they serve. In the nonprofit sector, organizations are meant to be accountable to their boards, donors, community partners, staff members, grantees, and volunteers.

Due to our Google answer, Picon ponders why Washoe County Government (a community partner) cannot expand this investigation. Moving forward, our other question is why the board members on Karma Box Project are not calling for an investigation to expunge these allegations against their Executive Director.


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