Floats Adrift … Financially Speaking
Councilman Donald Abbott riding on a float in the Nevada Day Parade 2024.
While Sparks' Donald Abbott plays dress-up as Last Chance Joe and waves from parade floats, the city's finances are sinking faster than a lead Christmas ornament. Perhaps between costume changes, the Mayor Pro Tempore might share his master plan for steering Sparks away from its looming budget iceberg. (Hint: Two Assistant City Managers might be one too many life rafts to maintain.)
City of Sparks City Manager Organizational Chart.
The blame game has plenty of players: a former City Manager, his loyal lieutenants still manning their posts, and Mayor Ed Lawson, who's apparently been too busy rearranging deck chairs to notice the water rising. For those keeping score at home, check pages 23, 33-35, and 54-55 of the report – it's quite the horror story.
City of Sparks Priorities as presented in 2024.
But wait! The fiscal folly doesn't stop at Sparks' city limits. In a stunning display of mathematical masochism, Washoe County Commissioners (minus the lone voice of sanity, Commissioner Clark) just gifted County Manager Eric Brown a $34,000 bonus and 10% raise for what can charitably be described as a year of distinguished underachievement.
City of Sparks “On Hold” positions in Fiscal Year 2025. Notice FIVE Sparks Police Officer positions are on hold.
Even better? This generosity comes just as Washoe County drains the last drops of ARPA funds – those temporary lifeboats keeping numerous county positions afloat. When that well runs dry, expect a synchronized swimming routine of frozen positions and layoffs across Sparks, Reno, and Washoe County.
Perhaps they can all "float" a loan together. After all, misery loves company – especially when it's dressed as Last Chance Joe.