Pick A Lane, Please

In a twist of political intrigue, Sparks City Councilmember Kristopher Dahir finds himself with a brewing controversy that exposes potential double standards in local government's approach to controversial groups.

While Washoe County commissioners recently expressed outrage over Nazi-like symbolism at a county meeting, Sparks officials seem to be turning a blind eye to similar associations. This investigative report questions relationships between city officials, motorcycle clubs, and events that raise serious questions about consistency in public policy and political expediency.

The story begins with a recent Washoe County Commission meeting where the Confederation of Clubs accepted a $10,000 donation from Commissioner Mike Clark's discretionary funds. An attendee's patch, resembling a swastika, sparked immediate condemnation from Commissioners Alexis Hill and Mariluz Garcia, along with Washoe County. However, our investigation reveals that this swift response may have been more about political maneuvering against Commissioner Clark than genuine concern over extremist symbols.

Fast forward to June 29, 2024, and we find the City of Sparks promoting a Show & Shine event at the Sparks Marina, benefiting the Nevada Veterans Memorial Plaza. The twist? The event's contact person is Jennifer Baker, a paid lobbyist for the Northern Nevada Confederation of Clubs - the very group at the center of the Washoe County controversy.

We asked the City of Sparks to comment regarding their promotion of the Show & Shine and learned from Julie Duewel, Community Relations Manager, “specifically, we post about special events that the event producers have pulled a special event permit from the City, as Nevada Veterans Memorial Plaza did in this case.”

But the plot thickens. Sources reveal that Councilmember Dahir attended a Northern Nevada Confederation of Clubs meeting in April or May 2024, seeking support for both the Show & Shine event and his re-election bid. Despite this connection, Dahir has remained conspicuously silent on Washoe County's statements regarding the June 18th meeting.

Adding to the intrigue, Dahir notably omitted any mention of the Show & Shine event at Monday's City Council meeting, despite discussing another upcoming event. Was this a calculated omission following our inquiry to Julie Duewel earlier that day?

Picon would urge Councilmember Dahir to “pick a lane” you know, avoid “lane splitting” –we call upon Dahir to make a statement.


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