Melanie Sutton: A Bad Interaction with School Police

In 2021 Melanie Sutton, a candidate for Washoe County School Board, District C (North Valleys), had two bad interactions with Washoe County School Police in 2021. Her first interaction with school police was on June 15th, 2021 and resulted in her being warned under NRS 202.265, for allegedly possessing a firearm at the Washoe County School District’s main office on 4th St.. A WCSD employee allegedly witnessed Sutton possessing a holstered pistol which later disappeared from her holster. School police pulled security footage allegedly showing Sutton going back to her truck and placing her pistol in the rear area of the vehicle. She was given an opportunity to remove her truck, containing the gun, from WCSD property, which she did.

21W-00469 - WCSDPD Report_Redacted by Picon Press Media LLC on Scribd

Later on October 12th, 2021 WCSD Trustee Diane Nicolet contacted WCSD police to report concerning statements alledgedly made by Sutton during public comment during a public meeting. During the meeting Sutton alledgedly told Trustee Nicolet - an elected public official, that, “…I am your fricking domestic terrorist…,” and during a second public comment opportunity continued and said, “..blow up this school district…”

Police attempted to make contact with Sutton but were unable to compel her for an interview after investigating her and coming to the conclusion that they did not believe Sutton was willing or capable of committing an act of domestic terrorism against the WCSD. On December 3rd, 2021 Detective Diamond closed the case.

21W-00821 - WCSDPD Report_Redacted by Picon Press Media LLC on Scribd


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