LANE VIOLATION: Mariluz Garcia can’t seem to pick a side!

A race that has drawn our immense interest is the Democratic Primary for Washoe County Commissioner, District 3. On one side we have Kyle Isacksen, who we’ve written about before; on the surface he seems like a nice guy - and he probably is - but give him a microphone and he’ll tell you what he really wants: power. Okay Emperor Kyle. On another side, you have Hawah Ahmad, whose only faults so far is an affinity for strange colors and also not knowing what a P.O. Box is. Some free advice: get a P.O. Box and stop posting your home address everywhere. It’s weird.

Finally, we have Mariluz Garcia, who thinks her behavioral solutions for middle schoolers will apply to people and businesses in Washoe County. I think we can respect school employees from bus drivers to educators, they’re good at what they do and they take a lot of heat from the public, but no one is asking middle school counselors to apply their behavior-management skills to operate and lead a county. Should Mariluz stay in her lane, and stay in education? Maybe, maybe not.

Then we have the party switch. You see, Hawah Ahmad claims to be a life-long Democrat from Washoe - and we believe her. Kyle Isacksen walks and talks like a Democrat, so nothing seemed off when we started looking into him. Mariluz? LANE VIOLATION.

You see, Mariluz hasn’t been a lifelong Democrat, and hasn’t been a Democrat for that long, in fact. She changed her voter registration from “non-partisan” to “Democrat” on October 5th, 2021, just a few months before the deadline to call yourself a member of a specific party for an election. ON TOP OF CHANGING HER PARTY, she also adjusted her name, from Marialuz to Mariluz. I mean, who did her registration, a publicist?

So, we tried to find a publicist.

While Hawah Ahmad and Kyle Isacksen list a media company and a consulting firm, respectively, on their C&E reports (as of 04/14/2022), “Marialuz” lists nothing of the sort despite having a professionally designed website and printed materials, and even a $1,100 expense for printing at Reno Type. Is someone working for her for free? Shouldn’t that be listed under “In-Kind” contributions?

With this evidence, you can decide if Mariluz is guilty of a LANE VIOLATION.


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