It appears that when the deputies are away, the derelicts will play.

The Washoe County Courthouse, dead-center in the city of Reno, appears to have been targeted for vandalism twice last year.  Within weeks of each other, two separate destruction of property crimes happened at the courthouse. The first, involved someone throwing rocks at windows and causing damage. The second was much more serious, where two faucets were turned on causing water damage in the basement.

The latter crime appears to have affected the evidence area of the courts, calling into question the integrity of some of the County’s most notorious cases. Despite the $250,000 in damages, the possible damage to items of evidence introduced at trials is staggering. The courts are mandated to keep evidence presented at trial for a certain period of time, based on the State Retention Schedule.  Additionally, this evidence is held to ensure appeals can be completed. This is how they have freed those innocent of murders, and reaffirmed the guilt of others.

We can only assume this was not publicized to prevent the public from scrutinizing their elected officials. No press release. No still images released to catch the perpetrators. And can we find out why the water spigots did not have secure keys to open them? Was this a bathing spot for the homeless? Is there no security at night for the courts? So many questions, which we will pose to the courts. In the meantime, sleep well knowing that the courts have designated a whole space in the new courthouse to housing issues, paid for with COVID-19 fear-based grants. So while evidence in serious matters is subject to the whims of the vandals and others with ill-intentions, there is a nice office open and available at your expense!

WCDC Damage - 21-5106 by Picon Press Media LLC on Scribd

Property Damage 21-4931 by Picon Press Media LLC on Scribd


Hello, I’m Larry.


Intentional Intimidation Is Intolerable