A Saucy Good Time or Are Residents Getting Barbecued in Sparks?

Picon thinks $15 for a margarita at the Nugget Rib Cook-off is basically highway robbery, as is $5 for water. Since COVID the prices at the Rib Cook-off have gone rib high.

The Nugget Rib Cook-off is serving up some serious sticker shock with these prices. $15 for a margarita? That's not just highway robbery, it's a full-on financial mugging. And $5 for water? Are they importing it from Mars?

Looks like COVID didn't just bring masks and social distancing – it also cranked up the prices. The only thing getting smoked more than the ribs is our wallets.

Remember when you could grab some grub, knock back a drink, and still have change for the ride home? Yeah, those days are as dead as last year's pig. Now you need a small loan just to wet your whistle.

At this rate, next year they'll be charging us for the smoky air we breathe. "Authentic BBQ atmosphere: $10 per inhale."

Picon had heard complaintes from bars on Victorian Avenue who have had less than positive “Patio Partner” experiences during the Nugget Rib Cook-off over the last couple of years, well frankly, since the Ascuaga’s sold the property. 

We don’t have any idea when the “pour stations” had to adhere to prices set by The Nugget, but we heard rumblings in 2021 when a Victorian Bar owner had a Facebook tirade with Mayor Ed Lawson regarding the changes being leveled, they didn’t think it was fair, or right. Lawson seemed not to care, what’s new.

Since 2021 we’ve inquired of The Nugget for a vendor application so we might learn what the ‘fees set by The Nugget” were. Each year we’ve been asked what business we own on Victorian or the surrounding streets and when we had answered none, we were told we didn’t fit into the “profile” of their partners so “no agreement could be provided.” 

After seeing this agreement, sent to us by a fed-up Victorian business owner, we wouldn’t have given to the media either, this is “big brother” setting fees and we frankly can’t believe the City of Sparks are allowing small business owners to be bullied, but hey what about the American Way, Free Enterprise, and allowing a Rib Cook-off attendee to shop the best price for beverages. Guess the City of Sparks Mayor and City Councilmembers all think the residents of Sparks can happily afford $12.00 for a glass of wine?

Remember folks, this is “The Donald’s” Ward 1, you know the councilmember voters reelected to his council seat in the primary. We didn’t get it and still don’t. Where is Councilmember Abbot sticking up for the small business owners and residents of Sparks. He should not be allowing price fixing.

It would seem “The Donald” is more concerned about ‘speed dating’ than small businesses shutting in downtown Sparks and along Victorian and Prater in Ward 1. Or is it that pesky campaign contribution of $2,500 from The Nugget on November 9, 2023?

If you’re a “valued neighbor” of The Nugget you need to pay them $1,500 a “contribution” to help them create a memorable and enjoyable experience for all attendees. Wow, the legal team at The Nugget really earned their keep with that sentence. 

Then you need to “adhere” and charge the prices The Nugget sets to “maintain consistency and fairness throughout the event.”

One must ask, “has the City of Sparks sold out and put the needs of The Nugget before small business owners and residents of Sparks.”

Oh, and when voting – Councilmember Kristopher Dahir received a contribution of $2,500 from The Nugget on June 15, 2023. We’re fairly certain his opponent Joe Rodriguz didn’t.


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