A President’s Colorful Past: Calen Evans Continued…

As of this Monday marks Calen Evans's first day serving as the President of the Washoe Education Association, his tenure is shadowed by his colorful past. We previously shared court documents related to those cases, but we recently received a law enforcement statement through a public records request with the Washoe County Sheriff's Office. Per this report Mr. Evans was arrested with a total of 176 grams, or 6.2 ounces of Marijuana, separated into four bags - three for sale and/or distribution and one storing a majority of the supply. Despite recreation marijuana being legal in Nevada it is still a category E felony without the intent to sell or distribute. Though, this arrest was in 2006 when marijuana was still totally illegal in Nevada.

Calen starts his term following the term of Phil Kaiser who served as Vice President before his term as President. WEA Presidents are granted a one-year leave of absence from the classroom with full pay and benefits to execute their duties as WEA President. Phil Kaiser served as Vice President under Natha Anderson who serves in the Nevada State Assembly, representing District 30.

Picon Post Sheriff Report Calen Evans by Picon Press Media LLC on Scribd


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